Drugs Don’t Make You Healthy
Drugs can be helpful and even lifesaving, but they don’t make you healthy. They treat symptoms; they don’t correct causes. Not Cymbalta, Savella, Lyrica, nor any of the current drugs used to treat fibromyalgia correct any of the causes of fibromyalgia. If you’ve only been taking drugs to manage your symptoms, you’ve got to make a paradigm shift.
Covering up symptoms with more and more drugs won’t make you healthy. That’s because no one suffers from a prescription-drug deficiency. Nearly all drugs are foreign to the body, and they have potential side effects. You’ve got to work to uncover and correct any nutritional and/or biochemical deficiencies that may be triggering the causes of your syndrome. If you’ve just been struggling to do the best with what you know, then you are the perfect potential success story, because you’re going to know a whole lot more when we’re through!
The Power of Nutrients
Drug therapy can be useful, but covering up symptoms with drugs should only be a short-term, stopgap solution. It’s nutrients that run the body. Every essential chemical—including thyroid hormones, testosterone, estrogen, neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), antibodies, adrenaline, cortisol, and white blood cells—are built from nutrients: vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids.
Nutritional deficiencies are common among FMS and CFS patients, and high-dose orthomolecular medicine can consistently correct these deficiencies. Once corrected, a person becomes healthier and healthier until her FMS or CFS is either gone or greatly improved. Unlike drug therapy alone, there is never any danger in getting healthy. Are you safer taking the tranquilizer Klonopin to manage your tight, achy muscles or the natural muscle-relaxing mineral magnesium?
The concept of using nutritional medicine to treat and beat fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue may seem too simplistic, or worse, wishful thinking. But once you give my nutritional protocols a chance, you’ll realize that they are safer, often more effective options to drug therapy.
“I tried that, and it didn’t work.”
The problem for many is that they have already “tried supplements” and haven’t seen any difference in their symptoms. What they need to realize is that a shotgun, close-is-good enough approach isn’t going to work when treating a complex condition like fi bro. You’ve got to use a sniper rifle instead, and you’ve got to make sure you understand the target. Taking the wrong supplements or the wrong dose or the wrong combination will result in failure. And most folks are taking or have taken numerous vitamin mixes and bottles of potions and yet never feel any better. They take a B-complex, a mineral formula, maybe some fish oil or some Noni juice, or whatever pills were recommended by a well-meaning health-food-store clerk or a magazine article. This isn’t going to hit the mark.
Some conventional doctors tell their patients not to bother with taking vitamins because they get all the nutrients they need in their diet. Worse are the ones who warn that vitamin supplements may be dangerous. Never mind that there has never been a death from vitamin supplements and over 100,000 people die every year from doctor-recommended, taken-as-directed prescription drugs.
And then there’s the false idea that taking a One A Day or a Centrum Silver or some other highly advertised vitamin will help you have more energy, enjoy a better sex life, live to be 120, and grow hair on your baldhead. This type of hype only causes more skepticism. You should know I don’t think mass-marketed, RDA-balanced vitamins do anything other than cause you to waste your money.
The recommend dietary allowance (RDA) is insufficient; decades of science show that our bodies are unique and that most need much higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals to reach optimal health. Yes, the government is working to improve the RDA, but it will always be a one-size-fits-all general guideline intended to support current health.
The RDA, or as I call it, the “recommended disease allowance,” is just enough to keep you from getting beriberi. It doesn’t help you reach optimal health, reverse the symptoms of your illness, and protect you from life’s stressors and health robbers.
The only way to beat fibromyalgia, reverse the symptoms, is to get healthy. Functional Fibro Doctors test for the treat and correct the causes of fibromyalgia with natural supplements-high but safe, doses of the right combination of vitamins minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. These protocols provide the raw ingredients for the hormones (cortisol, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.) and building blocks that allow the body to work correctly.
By correcting the broken or dysfunctional biochemistry, with natural supplements, the same ones needed to make the happy hormones, pain reducing brain chemicals, and energy promoting enzymes, the body is able to correct itself, symptoms are reversed, and good health returns.
If you’re ready to find a doctor who will listen to your story, a doctor who truly understands, a doctor who knows how to successfully treat fibromyalgia, then look no further Functional Fibro Doctors is here to help you feel good again.
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